Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Established: 2009

Director: Prof. Diwakar Tiwari
Professor, Dept. of Chemistry

In pursuance of the directives of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, vide Letter F.No.20-1/2009 (IUC) Dated 23rd July 2009, the Vice Chancellor of Mizoram University, Aizawl, constituted the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Mizoram University under his Chairmanship, through a Notification dated 12th October 2009 appointing 12 members with the Director of the IQAC as Member Secretary. A Notification constituting the second IQAC was issued dated 17th November 2011.
The IQAC-MZU is to undertake the task of planning, guiding and monitoring quality assurance and quality enhancement activities of Mizoram University and the Higher Educational Institution (HEIs) under it.
The IQAC-MZU was first notified on 12th October 2009, is to undertake quality assurance and quality enhancement activities of Mizoram University and the Higher Educational Institution (HEIs) under it, as well as maintaining an effective Management Information System (MIS). The Cell is also entrusted with the publication of MZU Annual Report, coordination of Annual Self-Assessment for Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) of MZU faculty, semester-wise Student Feedback on Teachers and Courses, coordinating the preparation of Self-Study Report (SSR) for NAAC Inspection, and the monitoring of various cells and implementing resolutions of committees notified by IQAC.