School of Humanities & Languages

Dean : Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte
Designation & Affiliation: Professor, Dept. of Mizo
Mobile No.: +91-
Personal Email:
Official Email:
Office Email:
The School of Humanities and Languages (SHL) came into existence on 12 August 2022. With the reorganization of schools vide the Gazette Notification (Govt of India) No 13-4/ 2017-CU. IV (PART) 30.12.2019, the earlier existing School of Education & Humanities (SEH) since 2001 got bifurcated into two schools, namely School of Humanities & Languages (SHL) and School of Education (SE) wef 12 August 2022. This SHL so far consists of 4 academic P.G. departments, namely English & Culture Studies (ECS) , Mizo, Hindi and Philosophy (PUC). Out of the 4 P. G. Departments, English was established before 2001, i.e. before the establishment of Mizoram University under the erstwhile Mizoram Campus of North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) at Aizawl. The years of establishment of the 4 P. G. Departments are as follows:
Department | Year of Establishment |
English | 1979 |
Mizo | 1997 |
Hindi | 2010 |
Philosophy (PUC) | 2018 |
All P.G. academic departments under the School are actively engaged in teaching (M.A. & Ph.D), research and extension activities except Philosophy (PUC) which has UG programmes basically to implement and has started PG and Ph. D. Coursework programmes in 2023 from the new academic session (Jul-Dec).
All the Departments mentioned above under Mizoram University have adopted and implemented NEP 2020 curriculum under the new UGC regulations and New National Education policy.
Name | Designation | Mobile No. | |
Vanlalringi | Technical Assistant | 9862363163 | |
Vanlalpeki | MTS | 9862355204 | |
Department of English and Culture Studies
Estd.: 1979
Faculty Strength: 5
Programmes Offered: M.A.,Ph.D
Department of Hindi
Estd.: 2010
Faculty Strength: 5
Programmes Offered: M.A.,Ph.D
Department of Mizo
Estd.: 1979
Faculty Strength: 5
Programmes Offered: M.A.,Ph.D
Department of Philosophy (PUC)
Estd.: 2018
Faculty Strength: 6
Programmes Offered: UG, M.A.,Ph.D
External Members
Name | Designation | Affiliation |
Prof.Maya Sharkar Pandey | Professor | Deptt.of English,BHU,Varanasi |
Prof.H.Kalpana | Professor | Deptt.of English,Pondicherry University,Pondicherry |
Prof.Joy L.K.Pachuau | Professor | Center of Historical Studies,School of social Sciences,JNU |
Prof.Arun Hota, | Prof.& Head | Deptt.of Hindi,W.Bengal State University,Barasat,Kolkata |
Meetings of School Board (Since Jan., 2019):
2 Board Meetings. (1 Local Board 10th Nov 2022, and 1 Full Board, 12th May 2023)
English & Culture Studies Department under SHL
- Activities (Since Jan., 2019):
- Two Day National Seminar “Representations of Disability in Literature and Culture” held on 25th and 26th May, 2023. Organised by Department of English and Culture Studies, Mizoram University.
Hindi Department under SHL:
- The Department organized a One Day National Seminar on “Poorvottar Bharat Ka Hindi Sahitya” (“Literature of Northeast India”) in collaboration with Mizoram Hindi Training College, Aizawl on 29th November, 2019.
- The Department organized One Day Online National Seminar on “Bhakti Sahitya : Vartman Sandrbha Aur Samajika Sarokar” on 22nd May, 2020.
- The Department organized One Day Online National Seminar on “Hindi Sahityetihas Ke Adhyayan Ki Chunautiyan Aur Sambhawanainaen” in National Seminar on Sahityetihas Ki Adhyayan Prakriya” on 12th June, 2020.
- The Department organized One Day Online International Seminar on “Bharitya Sanskriti Ke Vaishiwak Vistar mein Anuvad Ki Bhumika” on 9th July, 2020
- The Department organized One Day Online International Seminar on ‘Hindi ka Vashiwak Paridrashya Aur Pravashi Sahitya’ on 10th July, 2020
- National e-Seminar / Webinar on “Hindi : Sambhavanaen Aur Chunautiyan” on 15th September, 2021 organized by Department of Hindi & Hindi Cell, Mizoram University, Aizawl
- National e-Seminar / Webinar on “Rashtriya Shiksha Niti Aur Hindi” on 17th September, 2021 organized by Department of Hindi & Hindi Cell, Mizoram University, Aizawl
- International e-Seminar / Webinar on “Hindi: Ka Vaishivak Paridrish” on 24th September, 2021 organized by Department of Hindi & Hindi Cell, Mizoram University, Aizawl
- International e-Seminar / Webinar on “Hindi: Rashtriya- Antararashtriya Pariprekshya” on 27th September, 2021 organized by Department of Hindi & Hindi Cell, Mizoram University, Aizawl
- Sushil Kumar Sharma is awarded ‘Purvottar Hindi Akadami Shikhar Samman’ By Purvottar Hindi Akadami, Shilong (Meghalaya), 2022.
- The department constructed Mizo Lungdawh and Leihkapui at the entrance of the department building with the financial assistance from University Authority amounting to Rs. 1 lakh. Inauguration will be conducted in the near future depending on the convenience of the Vice Chancellor.
- The department observed World Poetry Day on 22nd March and World Theatrical Day on 27th March respectively.
- International Mizo Poetry Festival was jointly organised by Mizo Department, MZU, Mizo Poetry Society (Mipoty) & MZI for five days from 14 to 18 Dec, 2020.
- Mizo Department organised an Online Webinar on International Mother Language on 21 Feb, 2021.
- Mizo Department celebrated Chapchar Kut on 2 March, 2021.
- Mizo Department observed World Poetry Day on 23 March, 2021.
- Mizo Department organised an Online International Webinar on ‘Re-reading the Dynamics of Mizo Literature: The past, Present and Future’ on 18th June, 2021.
- John Lalchhanchhuaha, Department of Mizo, is declared MZU Student of the Year 2020-2021 by the Student Council, Mizoram University.
- Organized 5 days an Online Webinar on “Mizo Subject leh a kaihhnawih” in collaboration with Mizo Literature & Language Teachers Academy (MILTA) during 21- 25, March 2022.
- Mizo Department organized an Online Webinar on International Mother Language Day on 21 March, 2022
- Mizo Department observed 2nd International Mizo Poetry Festival during 17-18 December, 2021.
- The Department Organized Workshop on “Mizo Indigenous Games” for Mizo Post Graduate Students of MZU, PUC and ICFAI University on 25th May, 2022 at Multipurpose Hall, MZU.
- On July 27, 2022, the Mizo Department hosted a farewell function for Prof. R.L. Thanmawia, who retired on August 1, 2022.
- Mizo Department is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and the opening ceremony of this celebration was held on the rising day of the department i.e 12th August, 2022.
- The celebration was kicked off by Prof. LaltluanglianaKhiangte, different activities like Sports, literary writing competitions, seminars, literary discussion and social service will be organized during this celebration, the closing ceremony will be held on 12th August, 2023. Special Lecture was conducted at MZU with ICFAI University PG and III Semester students on 2nd September, 2022.
- A special lecture on Copyright and Publication Ethics was conducted for students of I Semester Mizo Department on 26th September, 2022 in collaboration with In LehkhaPublishing House.
- The Department organized a three-day Evolution Fest during 4 -7 October, 2022 under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav – funded by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. It is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history of it’s people, culture and achievement. The events of this Fest comprises the following:
- Cycle Rally: Cycle Rally cum Evolution Fest kick off programme was held in the courtyard of Vanapa Hall on 4th October 2022 at 6:00 Am. The Programme was kick off by Pu Lalchhandama Ralte, honourable Education Minister, Mizoram and in this programme around hundred cyclists from Mizoram Cycling Association participated.
- Seminar on Mizo Thu LehHlaRuaipui: Thu lehHlaRuaipui- Discourse on Mizo Literature, seminar was held at Auditorium, Mizoram University on 4th October 2022. In this seminar,Dr R. Lalthangliana, Higher & Technical Education Minister, was the chief guest and Prof. Lalnundanga, Registrar, Mizoram University was the guest of honour. In this seminar, Prof. LaltluanglianaKhiangte delivered a keynote address.More than five hundred students of VSemMizo Core from different colleges within Aizawl, Government Saitual College,MizodeptPG students from ICFAI, English and Hindi Dept from MZU participated.
- Local Product Expo: On 5th October 2022, Local Product Expo was held at Millennium Centre Roof top and it was inaugurated by Dr. R. Lalthangliana, Honorable Minister Higher and Technical, Industry etc. Several local entrepreneurs participated and open up their stalls.
- Live Panel discussion: Live telecast Panel Discussion on the topic Independence hnua Mizo Literature Hmasawn dan was organised at DDK and local cable network Zonet & LPS on 5th October 2022.
- Soft skills & Career training: On 7th October, 2022, Soft Skill and Career Guidance programme was conducted at Vanapa Hall for selected students from Higher Secondary School and Colleges. In this programme around 900 students participated.
- Cultural Evening:On the 7th October, 2022Cultural Evening was organised at Mizoram University Multipurpose Hall, at 7:00 PM. Pu K.Vanlalvena MP (Rajya Sabha) grace the function as the chief guest and Prof. KRS Sambasiva Rao was the Guest of Honour. The Cultural program was attended by MZU hostellers, Mizo Dept.Alumni, Mizoram University non- teaching staff, faculty, and families of quarter’s residence. Mr H. Wilson, OSD to Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Miss Jubilee Lalrammawii, Parliament Security Service were also our special guest in this event.
- The Department is very happy to report that various batches of our alumni members have donated different equipment for the department property.
- Dr Ruth Lalremruati, Asso. Professor of the Department got Sanctioned a Research Project entitled “Digital Archiving of Mizo Indigenous Music and Musical Instruments” under NEZCC Dimapur.
- In Commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of Mizo Department, MZU a Futsal tournament for Alumni and students was held on 14th Oct- 4th Nov, 2022.
- Mizo Department organised Workshop on “Mizo Folk Music” on 10th February, 2023.
- Mizo Department organised the celebration of International Mother Language Day (Pianpui Tawng Ni) on 21st February 2023. Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte delivered the special lecture.
- International Poetry Festival was organised by Mizo Department through Google Meet on 21st March, 2023.
- World Theatre Day was observed by the Department of Mizo on 27th March, 2023 in collaboration with Mizo Drama Society and ICFAI University, Mizoram.
- In collaboration with St Anthony’s College the Department organised an International Seminar on Writings of Mafaa Hauhnar on 30th & 31st March, 2023 at St Anthony’s College, Shillong, Meghalaya.
- As per our request a plot of land was allotted by the Higher Authority to Mizo Department for practical Jhum Cultivation to gain practical experiences of traditional Mizo practices which was included in the field project paper under NEP Syllabus.
- Kuhmum – 6 written by IV Semester students was released by Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte at Deans conference Hall
- Dr Ruth Lalremruati, Asso. prof & Mr JH Lalrinzuala (Guest faculty) attended the All India Radio talk show Discussion on topic of Inclusion of Mizo Tawng at 8th Schedule on 3rd August, 2023
- Mizo Drama Award, organised by Mizo Drama Society, was conducted by Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte. The ceremony was declared open by Pu Lalzirliana, Minister, Art & Culture, on 17-4-2023 at Mizoram Legislative Annexe Hall. Awardee were then interviewed by Lalnunmawii and Vanlaltana Khiangte — teachers from ICFAI, and hosted by Asst. Prof. Lalnunpuia, President, Mizo Drama Society.
- On 27 April 2023, a One Day Study Tour was organised at Sibuta Lung, Kaphleia thlan and in and around the said places. Three students from II Semester carried out this study tour.
- On 28 June 2023, a study on New Education Policy (NEP) was organised at Pachhunga University College. It was hosted by Dr Ruth Lalremruati. Former MILLTA President, Head of Department of the Mizo Department, Pachhunga University College, and current Senior Professor, Prof. Laltluangliana spoke on the topic. A good number of college lecturers from all over Mizoram attended the event.
- Book Donation : On April 17,2023, as part of the celebration of the Silver Jubilee, a little free library at the MZU park has been renovated. Dr Ruth Lalremruati HOD gave a brief statement in this program, and Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte then displayed a sizable collection of books authored by the department’s alumni. Dr. Lawmzuala and Dr. Lallaisangzuali accepted it on behalf of the MZU Central Library. The MZU park is where you’ll find this tiny free library. It is an ideal location for students to wait for the MZU bus.
- National Seminar : The National Seminar on “Role of Women Educator, Writer, and Entrepreneur in Mizoram” was organised by the department on June 1, 2023, in the seminar room of the Department of Education, Under the chairmanship of Dr. Ruth Lalremruati, HoD a good and thought provoking program is used. VC of MZU Prof. Debakar Chandra Deka is Chief guest.
Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops (PUC)
2019-2020 | ||
Sl. | Date | Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference etc. |
1 | 13.3.2020 | Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign was organized by Entrepreneurship knowledge Cell- PUC in collaboration with Departments of Philosophy, Education, Mizo, Psychology and Sociology.II Semester UG students of Philosophy Department were involved. |
2020-2021 | ||
Sl. | Date | Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference etc. |
1 | 22.6.2021 | Department level Online Seminar: The department conducted Departmental seminar on Social and Political Philosophy. philosophy. Students of 4th semester MA selected their seminar topics from Social and Political Philosophy paper.4thsem students presented their Seminar papers. All faculty member and 2ND Semester students attended the seminar through Zoom. HOD Lalsangkimi Sailo was the host and faculty incharge of the paper presented.Time: 7pmDate: 22.6.2021 Number of students attended: 13 Number of faculty: 8 Number of presentation papers: 4 Topics and Paper presenters:-–Equality of all religions MK Gandhi by C. Laltlanmawii-Morality- ends and means. MK Gandhi by Nancy Vanlalchhanchhuahi-MK Gandhi’s Doctrine of Trusteeship by Zomuani-MK Gandhi’s Critiques of Modern Civilization: Mizoram context by Cecilia Vanlalpekhlui |
2021-2022 | ||
Sl. | Date | Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference etc. |
1 | 13.8.2021 | WebinarThe Department organised a state level webinar on the topic “The Exigency of Mizoram in the light of the Present Scenario”.Resource person: Lalnunmawia Chuaungo IAS Chief Secretary Govt of Mizoram Total Participants: 163 registrants, 246 participants |
2 | 18.1.2022- 27.1.2022 | Periodic lecture The Department organised a Periodic Lecture Program Sponsoring agency: Indian Council of Philosophical Amount sponsored: Rs 10000/- – |
2022-2023 | ||
Sl. | Date | Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference etc. |
1 | 10.10.2022 | Special Lecture The department organised a Special lecture ProgramTitle: The Concept of God According to the Western Thought: A Critical Analysis. |
2 | 15. 2.2023 | Special Talk The department organised a Special talk programTopic: The Intersection of Science, Philosophy and Religion – A Philosophical Analysis. |
3 | 8-9.5.2023 | National Seminar The department organised a Two Day National SeminarTopic: Cosmopolitanism and Democracy: Rights of the refuge seekers Speakers and their topics:-Multiculturalism and Cultural Identity: A Reflection on Will Kymlica’s Multicultural Citizenship.
2019-2020 | ||
Sl | Date | Activity |
1 | 18.7.2019-28.7.2019 | Student ExcursionCombined PUC, PG students accompanied by Dr Lalruatfela went for academic tour to Bhutan, Sikkim and Darjeeling. PG Students had a wonderful exposure to the Buddhist Culture and visited various historical sites. |
2 | 24.7.2019 | PG 1st Semester Entrance Exam was conducted |
3 | 25.7.2019 | Interview for PG 1st Semester was conducted in the Department |
4 | 7.8.2019 | Lalngaizuali, 3rd Sem PG Student was elected as Joint Secretary, Students’ Council, PG combine Departments |
5 | 14.8.2019 | PG Freshers Social at College Seminar Hall |
6 | 19.8.2019 | The following PG students of Philosophy Department had participated and won the following awards during college week 2019 for the first time since the inauguration of PG Program in Pachhunga University CollegeDouble Badminton:· Raymond Lalfakzuala( Bronze Medal)News Report Writing:· Lalawmpui Chenkual( Silver Medal)· Raymond Lalfakzuala( Bronze Medal)In Suk Nawr:· L. Beiphalai( Gold Medal)· Lalrinkima( Bronze Medal) |
7 | 22.10.2019 | Blood Donation by 3rd Sem PG Students: The following PG students of Philosophy donated blood on this day – ( Lalsangkimi Sailo gave Rs 50 each to Philosophy Students blood donors)– Raymond Lalfakzuala– Lalngaizuali– L. Beiphalai – Lalawmpuia Chenkual |
8 | 30.10.2019 | The MZU EC meeting passed the selection of Dr.Saithanmawii Zote and Dr.Vanlalvenpuia as Assistant Professors in Philosophy Department. |
9 | 31.12.2019 | Cecilia Vanlalpekhlui, 1st Sem PG Student cleared UGC- NET in Philosophy conducted in the month of December 2019 in her first attempt. |
10 | 28.1.2020 – 8.2.2020 | Dr Lalruatfela accompanied MA 2nd semester students Academic tour to Sikkim and Darjeeling. Dr. Vanlaltanpuia Asst. Professor, Department of Philosophy and MLA, Government of Mizoram contributed Rs. 20000 /- for the purpose of the trip |
11 | 10.2.2020 – 14.2.2020 | February MA 4th Semester Students went for academic tour to Tahan and Visited Kalay University, Myanmar. |
12 | 13.3.2020 | Observation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by the PG Students by cleaning the Department PG class rooms and surroundings. |
13 | 17.3.2020 | The Government of Mizoram imposed State Lockdown due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, all classes are also suspended from this day. Students are followed up by various social media, they are given lectures, tests assignments and study materials. |
14 | 15.5.2020 | Lalsangkimi Sailo, HoD had a meeting with the principal and received the confirmation that the department had to prepare Phd Syllabus. The HoD instructed the department faculty to prepare the tentative PhD syllabus. |
15 | 27.5.2020 | Along with Board Members- Lalsangkimi Sailo HoD and Emily F Lalnunpuii, Special Invitees – MS Dawngliana, Dr Saithanmawii Zote and Dr Vanlalvenpuia attended 3rd Board of Studies in Philosophy Meeting of the School of Education and Humanities at MZU, Conference Hall of Dean, at 11 am. |
16 | 18.5.2020 | MS Dawngliana was appointed as Officer In-charge of Quarantine Facility YHAI- Luangmual, by the Government of Mizoram |
17 | 25.5.2020 | Dr Saithanmawii Zote has been appointed to work in DC Office and Dr Vanlalvenpuia were appointed as Officer In- charge of Quarantine Facility SAI at Mission Vengthlang, by the Government of Mizoram |
2020-2021 | ||
Sl | Date | Activity |
1 | 3.11.2020 | Faculty worked in the Department for: framing and finalizing Value Added Course and Restructuring PG Syllabus due to the introduction of dissertation in the 4th Semester PG Syllabus. |
2 | 4.11.2020 | Lalsangkimi Sailo HOD, MS Dawngliana, Emily F Lalnunpuii and also Dr Saithanmawii Zote and Dr Vanlalvenpuia as special invitee attended 4th Board of Studies Philosophy through Google Meet at 11 AM onwards. |
3 | 6.11.2020 | Lalsangkimi Sailo HOD and MS Dawngliana attended 38th meeting of the School Board of Education and Humanities (Local Board) through Google Meet at 11 am onwards. |
4 | 16.10.2020 | PG Parting Social in the College Seminar Hall at 2:30pm |
5 | 9.11.20 | PG Classes for 1st Semester 2020 Commencement |
6 | 5.8.2020 | The Faculty went for PG Question Papers moderation at Dean SEH Office MZU |
7 | 12.8.2020 | – At 10:30 AM the Department meeting on Online/Offline exam for 4th Semester PG. Department decided for Online exams.– 11:30 am HOD Attended Lockdown monitoring cell at Principal’s office– 12:30 am HOD attended the Humanities Department Meeting at Dean’s SEH office to finalize Online/Offline mode of exams for 4th Semester MA students, (all decided to go for Online exams) |
8 | 14.8.2020 | Department teachers attended meeting with the Principal at Seminar Hall. The Department organized mock Online exam for PG 4th semester exam from department room. |
9 | 19.8.2020- 31.8.2020 | MA Online exam |
10 | 22.9.2020 | PG Exam related document finalized and sent through college to MZU Examination Cell. |
11 | 16.10.2020 | PG Parting Social at Seminar Hall 2:30pm |
12 | 15.10.2020- 29.10.2020 | PG 2nd Semester Exam |
13 | 1.12.2020- 14.12.2020 | PG 1st Semester Exam |
14 | 16.12.2020 | Departmental Meeting |
15 | 7.1.2021 | The Department had its first meeting for 2021. |
16 | 2.2.2021 | Department rededication meeting |
17 | 1.3.21 | College Re-opening both UG and PG |
18 | 23.7.2021 | MA Entrance exam for 2021 Odd semester, was conducted Online through Google form, Objective type questions were given.– Total no of candidates: 14– Time: 10 am to 11 am.– Teacher i/c : MS Dawngliana |
19 | 26.7.2021 | Interview for Admission for PG was conducted between 12 to 1 pm and 3pm-5pm.– Total no of candidates: 14– Time: 12 am to 1pm & 3pm-5pm |
2021-2022 | ||
Sl | Date | Activity |
1 | 30.9.2021 | Blood DonationStudents who Donated Blood from MA:1. Amos MS Dawngzuala2. Vanlalhriata |
2 | 23.2.2022 | Dept. farewell function for Mrs Lalsangkimi Sailo, HOD, Department of Philosophy was organised by the Department. |
3 | 4,17,18, 28.5.2022&31.5.2022 | NAAC Preparation Hnatlang:The department organised Hnatlang- cleaning of Department office, class rooms and surroundings in preparation for Mock NAAC Assessment. 6th semester Students of UG and 4th semester students of PG participated.Faculty update their files and department files were organized. photos were printed and displayed in the department.The department received 10000/- Rupees for NAAC preparation from College. It was utilized for buying the Display boards and Printing of photos. |
4 | 22.4.2022 | Earth Day Observation The department observed Earth Day by Planting medicinal plants in the campus. Both UG and PG students participated with faculty |
2022-2023 | ||
Sl. No | Date | Activity |
1 | 24.02.2023 | David Remruatpuia, 4th Sem PG student qualified NET exam. |
2 | 18.4.2023 | Emily F. Lalnunpuii, Dr Saithanmawii, Dr Vanlalvenpuia, members if the board of studies for the department of Philosophy and M.S.Dawngliana( special invitee) attended the Full Board of Studies for the Department of Philosophy (PUC-MZU) held at Dean’s Conference Hall, School of Humanities and Languages, MZU. PhD syllabus for the Department was discussed and confirmed. |
3 | 17.7.2023 | The department conducted 1st Sem PG Entrance test No of Candidates: 14 |
4 | 19.7.2023 | The department conducted 1st Sem PG Interview No of Candidates: No of Students Selected: 7+ 3(Waiting list) |
5 | 17.7.2023 | The department conducted PhD entrance test No. of candidates: 6 |
6 | 21.7.2023 | The department conducted PhD Interview No of Candidates: 6 No of students selected: 6 |
7 | 7.8.2023 | – Inception of PhD program in the Department of Philosophy. – Commencement of PhD course work classes. – Commencement of 3rd Sem PG classes |
8 | 11.8.2023 | Bobby Remruatpuia, 3rd Sem Philosophy PG student was appointed as General Secretary of the Students Council, Pachhunga University College. Frida Lalmuanzuali and T.C. Lalliansanga, 3rd Sem Philosophy PG students were also appointed as Senior Councillors. |
9 | 25.8.2023 | PG Freshers’ Social was conducted by the student council, PG departments of Pachhunga University College |