A symposium on Campus Mental Health was organized by Mizoram University Counselling Cell on 12th May, 2023 at the Academic & Seminar Complex Auditorium. The programme started with a welcome speech from Prof. Zoengpari, Convener. Prof. Pravakar Rath, Vice Chancellor in-charge was the guest of honour.
Dr. Lalropuii, Counselling Psychologist and Director, Black Olives Counselling & Research Centre presented the topic “Anxiety & Self Management” in the forenoon and Dr. K. Robert L. Khawlhring, Psychiatrist, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Mizoram spoke on “Psychological First Aid” in the afternoon. A fruitful interaction and discussion was held after the presentations. Student representatives from each academic department, research scholars and faculty attended the programme.