The Department of Mass Communication organized a One-Day Drama and Theatre Workshop on 28th February 2025 (Friday) to provide students with hands-on experience in theatrical arts and performance. The workshop was designed to highlight the significance of theatre in education, personality development, and communication skills.
The resource person for the workshop was Dr. Manish Kumar, a renowned theatre artist and educator, holding NET, MPhil, and PhD in Drama and Theatre. With extensive expertise in the field, Dr. Kumar engaged the students in a series of interactive sessions aimed at fostering creativity, self-expression, and collaboration.
The event began with an inaugural address by Prof. V. Ratnamala, the Head of the Department, further elaborated on the importance of drama and theatre in education, highlighting how it nurtures creativity, strengthens teamwork, and improves communication skills—essential qualities for students pursuing careers in media and beyond.
Professor Irene Lalruatkimi emphasized the pivotal role of theatre in shaping students’ futures by enhancing their confidence, adaptability, and overall development. Further both the Professor felicitated the guest Dr Manish Kumar with Shawl and memento.
The workshop witnessed an 50 enthusiastic participation of students, PhD Scholars and Faculties from different department of the University. They have actively engaged in various exercises and activities designed to enhance their artistic and interpersonal abilities. The sessions included improvisation games, role-playing, and voice modulation exercises, all of which helped students build confidence and develop a deeper understanding of theatrical expression.
The event concluded with a reflection session where participants shared their experiences and learnings, expressing how the workshop had positively impacted their perspectives on theatre and communication. Dr Dheeraj Kumar, the convenor of the workshop offered vote of thanks to the Guest Dr Manish Kumar, The HOD Prof V Rantnamala, Prof Irene and other staff, Phd Scholars and Students from various departments, IT Cell and PR Cell of MZU with a remark that department of Mass Communication will continue organizing such enriching events to provide students with practical exposure and holistic development opportunities.