Heads of Academic Departments
Sl Name of Schools/ Department Dean /Head Phone/Fax e-mail
1 School of Economics, Management & Information Science Prof. Bhartendu Singh 0389-2330707/0389-2330709(F) dean.semis@mzu.edu.in
Economics Prof. Giribabu M 0389-23307080389-2330709(F) hod.economics@mzu.edu.in
Commerce Prof. N. Rokendro Singh 0389-2330409 / 2330523 hod.commerce@mzu.edu.in
Library & Information Science Prof. Manoj Kumar Verma 8787451116/ 9774003201 hod.libsc@mzu.edu.in
Management Prof. Elangbam Nixon Singh 0389-2331014 hod.management@mzu.edu.in
Mass Communication Prof. V. Ratnamala 0389-2330106 hod.masscom@mzu.edu.in
Tourism and Hospitality Management Dr. Himanshu Bhusan Rout +91 – 6370142229 hod.tourism@mzu.edu.in
2 School of Earth Sciences & Natural Resource Management Prof. B.P. Mishra +91‐9436352193 (Cell) dean.sesnrm@mzu.edu.in
Forestry Prof. U.K. Sahoo 0389-2330394 / 2330534 hod.forestry@mzu.edu.in
Environmental Science Prof. Angom Sarjubala Devi 0389-23303850389-2330352(F) hod.evs@mzu.edu.in
Geography & Resource Management Prof. Benjamin L. Saitluanga 0389-2346090 / 2344009 hod.geography@mzu.edu.in
Geology Dr. Jimmy Lalnunmawia 9862329703 hod.geology@mzu.edu.in
Extension Education & Rural Development 0389-2331015 hod.ruraldevelopment@mzu.edu.in
Horticulture, Aromatic & Medicinal Plants Prof. Rambir Singh 9473583251 hod.hamp@mzu.edu.in
3 School of Social Science Prof. Lalneihzovi 0389-2331603 dean.sss@mzu.edu.in
Public Administration Prof. Srinibas Pathi hod.pubadmn@mzu.edu.in
Political Science Prof. Ayangbam Shyamkishor 0389-2345211 / 23417250389-2341725(F) hod.polsc@mzu.edu.in
Social Work Prof. C. Devendiran 0389-2330339 / 23304000389-2330339(F) hod.socialwork@mzu.edu.in
Psychology Prof. Zoengpari 0389-2340805 / 23053590389-2305359(F) hod.psychology@mzu.edu.in
History & Ethnography Prof. Kishor Gaikwad 0389-23304100389-2330531(F) hod.history@mzu.edu.in
Sociology Prof. Rabindra Kumar Mohanty 09437277597, 07978153709 hod.sociology@mzu.edu.in
4 School of Humanities and Languages Prof. Laltluangliana Khiangte 0389-2341258 dean.seh@mzu.edu.in
English and Culture Studies Prof. Margaret L. Pachuau 0389-2330705 / 23306310389-2330705(F) hod.english@mzu.edu.in
Mizo Dr. Zoramdinthara 0389-2330355 / 23303010389-2330355(F) hod.mizo@mzu.edu.in
Hindi Prof. Sanjay Kumar hod.hindi@mzu.edu.in
5 School of Education
Education Dr. Lokanath Mishra hod.education@mzu.edu.in
6 School of Physical Sciences Prof. Suman Rai 0389-23310230389-2330642(F) dean.sps@mzu.edu.in
Chemistry Prof. N. Mohondas Singh 0389-2330860 / 2330832 hod.chemistry@mzu.edu.in
Physics Prof. Zaithanzauva Pachuau 0389-2330435 / 23305220389-2330435(F) hod.physics@mzu.edu.in
Mathematics & Computer Science Prof. M. Sundararajan hod.mathematics@mzu.edu.in
Industrial Chemistry Dr. Ved Prakash Singh hod.indchem@mzu.edu.in
7 School of Life Sciences Prof. G. Gurusubramanian 0389-23305140389-2330514(F) dean.sls@mzu.edu.in
Zoology Prof. H.T Lalremsanga 0389-23310210389-2330724(F) hod.zoology@mzu.edu.in
Botany Prof. F.Lalnunmawia hod.botany@mzu.edu.in
Biotechnology Prof. John Zothanzama hod.biotech@mzu.edu.in
8 School of Engineering & Technology Prof. Sudipta Chattopadhyay 0389-23310230389-2330642(F) dean.set@mzu.edu.in
Electronics & Comunication Engineering Dr. Reshmi Maity 0389-2330271 hod.electronics@mzu.edu.in
Information Technology Dr. Lalhmingliana hod.it@mzu.edu.in
Electrical Engineering Dr. Subir Datta hod.electengg@mzu.edu.in
Computer Engineering Dr. V.D. Ambeth Kumar 0389-2330067 hod.computerengg@mzu.edu.in
Civil Engineering Dr. Ruhul Amin Mozumder hod.civil@mzu.edu.in
Food Technology Dr. Paras Sharma hod.foodtech@mzu.edu.in
9 School of Fine Arts, Architecture & Fashion Technology Prof. Vineet Shrivastava 9425173123 dean.sfaaft@mzu.edu.in
Architecture Ar. Emeline Zodingliani Renthlei hod.planning@mzu.edu.in
10 School of Medical & Paramedical Sciences Prof. Zokaitluangi dean.smps@mzu.edu.in
Clinical Psychology Dr. Laxmi Narayan Rathore hod.cpsy@mzu.edu.in