Contemporary Social Scientist

About the Journal
About the Journal

(A National Refereed Journal)
ISSN No. 2230-956X

 Contemporary  Social  Scientist  is  the  journal  published  by  the  School  of  Social  Sciences,Mizoram University. It is published twice a year-in Summer and Spring. It  aims at  advancing  and  disseminating  knowledge,  principles  and  practices in the field of Social Sciences.

It encourages research, innovation and new ideas in the field of social sciences with a view topromoting human and sustainable development. Besides research based papers, the journal also publishes Review of Books, etc on various areas of interest in the field of Social Sciences. 


Editor in Chief:

Prof. Lalneihzovi
Professor of Public Administration and Dean School of Social Sciences
Mizoram University

E-mail :


Prof. Robindra Kumar Mohanty
Department of Sociology
Mizoram University



Guidelines for  Contributors

Articles (either theoretical or empirical) are invited from authors/researchers and professionals serving in different fields. They must be original and contribute to the body of knowledge of the field concerned. The paper should be normally between 8-10 A-4 size printed pages with 1.15 line spacing and 11 point Arial font in the following manner:

  • The contributors are requested to submit their articles, papers, reviews, etc. in standard format both in soft and hard copy, preferably in MS Word format.
  • An abstract 150 words should also be submitted along with the main article/paper and the body should not be more than 2000 words.
  • All non-commissioned book reviews must be submitted along with a copy of the Book for the consideration of the Editorial Board.
  • The decision of the Board will be final with regard to publication of any material in the journal. Editorial Board reserves the right to publication.
  • Each manuscript should be accompanied with a declaration that the material has not been published elsewhere and that has not been for publication in any other journal.
  • Footnote should be listed in the appendix and not typed on the bottom of the manuscript page in which they appear.
  • References – APA style/model (7th Edition) may be adopted
  • The peer review will pay great attention to review of literature, introduction methodology, research questions, conceptualisation, statistical analysis, writing style, length, plagiarism and authenticity of authorship. The contributors are requested to take care of them.

The article has to be submitted both by e-mail and hard copy to the following and ‘The Dean, School of Social Sciences, Mizoram University , Tanhrill, Aizawl – 796004.

Subscription Rated in Rupees :

Individual – Annual– Rs.900/-, Singles Issue – Rs. 500/-

Institution/Library – Annual – Rs. 700/-, Single Issue- Rs. 400/-

(Amount may be paid by cash or DD in favour of the dean, School of Social Sciences, Mizoram University, Aizawl)

