Mizoram University Journal of Literature and Cultural Studies (MZUJLCS) is published by the Department of English and Culture Studies, Mizoram University. Being a peer reviewed and refereed journal, its objective is to provide an informed scholarly dialogue on topics that are pertinent to literature and culture studies and endeavours to explore new perspectives in order to create a discourse of learning. The journal welcomes well researched articles from the discipline of literature and culture studies. Sections will be provided for input on creative writing as well as book reviews. Submitted manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The final decision of selection of articles for publication rests with the editors.
- The journal will be published in December 2023 and manuscripts between 5000-6000 words should be duly submitted by 30th June 2023 on aspects that are related to literature and culture studies.
- Submissions should use the MLA Handbook (9th MLA stylesheet).
- All submissions conforming to these requirements should be sent as an email attachment in MS Word to mzujlcs@mzu.edu.in.
- All submissions should be neatly typed in MS Word in Times New Roman, 12-point font size and line spacing of 1.5.
- The journal does not charge any fee for publication.