Biodiversity Research Centre
About the Department :
The Biodiversity Research Centre (BRC) has been sanctioned by the UGC, New Delhi. The BRC is attached with the Department of Environmental Science under the School of ES&NRM. The Centre caters to R&D activities linked with ecology, evolution, and conservation of biological diversity at all levels from gene to ecosystem through interactions with human society. It envisages the creation of a hub for collection, collation, management, analysis and dissemination of data on biological diversity. The centre maintains a herbarium of aver 1000 plant species and in the process of digitization of the specimen. It also maintains a website on the plant biodiversity of Mizoram.
- The centre envisions developing a sound scientific knowledge about the biodiversity resources of the state for sustainable utilization and systematic conservation
- Recognition as a leading centre for research on various aspects of biodiversity exploration, sustainable utilization and conservation
- Exploration of biodiversity with emphasis on ethno wealth for the entire state
- Linking biodiversity wealth to human health and well being
- Formulation of biodiversity conservation and species recovery strategies involving scientists, NGOs and local people for effective implementation.
- Undertaking biodiversity conservation awareness programmes especially in rural areas and/or for rural indigenous people for better understanding and sustainable use of biodiversity
- Establishing collaborating programs with other national and international institutions to encourage exchange of knowledge
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Office Staff
The Biodiversity Research Centre under the Department of Environmental Sciences is maintaining a herbarium of over 1000 plant species which is a collection submitted by faculty as well as research scholars from various departments. At the centre we have recently catalogued all specimens and have assigned accession no. to each specimen. The centre is initiating a digitization program of all the herbarium species for efficient data management and storage facility and easy access, time management to the users.
Since 2022, the centre is establishing a laboratory equipped which tool to carry out biochemical analysis of plant specimens, molecular diversity analysis of plant species and generating species specific barcodes
- Mizoram Biodiversity Database :
In the current year the centre has launched a website which is an online database containing comprehensive information about plant species listed under different categoris: its vernacular name, taxonomic description, habitat, geographic distribution, flowering time, conservation status and more. This information is freely accessible by the general public to showcase the floral richness of Mizoram, foster research on plant diversity for sustainable livelihoods and promote conservation through wider coverage using electronic media. Currently, information pertaining only to orchids is available. (under maintenance)
Board of Studies
Ongoing Research Project: Evaluating the genetic structure and wood properties of teak (TectonagrandisL.f.) landraces in North East India.
Funding agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi, India.
PG courses
- Biodiversity (EVS/MJ/501)
- Sustainable Utilization of Non Timber Forest Products (EVS/I/VAC-1)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EVS/4/CC/26)- 1unit
- Air Pollution and Management (EVS/4/CC/29)- 1 unit
- Environmental Hazards and Toxicology (EVS/4/CC/25)- 1 unit
- Fundamentals of Research and Biostatistics (EVS/MN/553)- 1 unit
PhD courses
- Biodiversity and Sustainable management (ESCW-04A)- 1 unit
Ongoing PhD Research
- Assessing utility pattern, biochemical properties and DNA barcoding for wild edible vegetable (WEV) species used by Hmar community in North East India – Jotham R Faihriem
- Resource utilization patterns, soil nutrient profiling and carbon stock assessment of standing biomass under different land use pattern in Ziro Valley of Arunachal Pradesh- Ms. Kajoli Begum
Ongoing M.Sc. Dissertation
- Soil properties and plant growth response in sandstone quarry spoil collected from differently aged dumping sites- MrLalmuansanga
- Assessment of plant growth response in sandstone dust as suitable spotting media for plant growth- Ms S Megdalin
- Influence of family income and farm size on household dietary richness among farmers of Sihphir village in Mizoram- Ms R. Lalchungnungi
Completed M.Sc. Dissertation
- Nutritional Parameters, Pharmacological Properties And Associated Traditional Knowledge Of Wild Edible Fruits Of Mizoram- Ms Lalhruaitluangi (2021-22)
- Farmers’ Perception And Socio-Economic Importance Of Tree Bean: Case Study In Lungrang SouthVillage, Lunglei District, Mizoram- Ms M. Lalremtluangi (2021-22)
- Farmers’ Perception And Socio-Economic Importance Of Tree Bean : Case Study In Serkawn Village, Lunglei District, Mizoram- Mr ZD Lalnunpuia (2021-22)
Public Outreach
- Online lectures on World Environment Day 2021
- Webinar lecture on “Exploring The Role Of Tree Biodiversity In Resilient Agroforest Landscapes” by Dr. Christopher Kettle, Principal Scientist & Global Program Leader Tree Biodiversity for Resilient Landscapes Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT(Rome) on 22nd May 2022celebrating INTERNATIONAL DAY OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY