Helpline number for COVID-19 related matters

For any queries related to COVID-19 issues, kindly contact (medical help)

i) Dr. Pauline L.Vanchhawng, Chief Medical Officer – 09436151310

ii) Dr. R.K Lalhmangaihi, Senior Medical Officer – 08794208494

MZU Online Counseling Service during the COVID19 lock-down:

Operation time:

  • 9AM to 5PM (Phone call or Whatsapp or Text msg)
  • 24/7 (Whatsapp or Text msg)

Duty roster of the counselors for each week: –
MONDAY: 9436140870
TUESDAY: 96125 21664
WEDNESDAY: 94361 47508
THURSDAY: 92239 66666
FRIDAY: 96120 38912
SATURDAY: 88372 34618