School of ES & NRM

School of the Earth Science & Natural Resources Management

Dean : Prof. B.P. Mishra
Designation & Affiliation: Senior Professor, Dept. of Environmental Science
Mobile No.: +91‐9436352193
Personal Email:
Official Email:
Office Email:

About the School
Office Staff
Departments under the School
School Board
Meetings of School Board
About the School

About the School:

The School was initially set up and started in the year 2002. Presently, the School of the Earth Science and Natural resources Management is functioning with six academic Departments and three Centres.

Office Staff

Office Staff:

1. Smt. R. Zaihmingthangi- Stenographer
2. Smt. Lalnunmawii- MTS/ Kitchen Attendant

Departments under the School

  1. Department of Environmental Science
  2. Department of Extension Education & Rural Development                                   
  3. Department of Forestry
  4. Department of Geography and Resources Management
  5. Department of Geology              
  6. Department of Horticulture, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
  7. Centre for Biodiversity Research                         
  8. Centre for Disaster Management
  9. Centre for Petroleum Exploration

Majority of academic Departments/ Centres offer PG/ Ph.D. Program. The various Departments/ Centres are engaged in the research activities under thrust areas identified so far.

School Board

School Board external members are:
1. Prof. S.K.Sahu, Department of Environmental Science, Sambalpur University, Odisha
2. Prof. C.L. Sharma, Department of Forestry, NERIST, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
3. Prof. Dhruv Sen Singh, Department of Geology, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
4. Prof. B.S. Mipun, Department of Geography, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya
5. Dr. Gérard Abraham, IARI, PUSA, New Delhi
6. Dr. Prahlad Ram, SERB, DST, New Delhi

Meetings of School Board

Meetings of School Board

