Faculty Development Centre
Established: 2018-2019

Prof. Lynda Zohmingliani, Director
(Professor, Dept. of Education)
Email: fdc@mzu.edu.in
Faculty Development Centre (FDC) has been established in Mizoram University in the academic year 2018-19 under Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT). This was one of the twenty FDCs established across the country under the national mission, and unique in its mandate i.e. development of school teachers with teachers in HEIs. FDC, Mizoram University had organised 26 programmes for the capacity building of school teachers and teachers of HEIs during the plan period. Activities of the FDC were kept suspended during COVID 19 pandemic period. In 2022-23, FDC activities were revived by the University and 09 programmes for development of teachers of schools and DIETs in Mizoram were organised during 2023-24.
Faculty Development Centre
Mizoram University, Aizawl
Mizoram, India
Pin 796004
Email: fdc@mzu.edu.in
Mob.: +91 – 94361 45408
Important links:
- FDC has a vision to promote institutional effectiveness through professional development of faculty members working at schools and HEIs.
- To function as centre of excellence in curriculum and pedagogy;
- To promote the capacity building of the school teachers focusing on improvement in teaching performance, learning outcomes, new dimensions of thinking and up-to-date teaching skills etc.;
- To develop the critical decision-making capacities among faculty members to select appropriate pedagogical style;
- To develop the capacity of faculty members to critically reflect on their environment: curriculum, policy, practices etc.
- To develop collaborative teaching-learning practices and problem-solving skills among the faculty members.
- Director: Prof. Lynda Zohmingliani
Professor, Dept. of Education
Email: lynda.zohmingliani@gmail.com
Phone: +91 – 94361 45408 - Assistant Director: Dr. Krishna Kant Tripathi
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education
Email: kktedu@mzu.edu.in
Phone: +91 – 7085206319