Department of Clinical Psychology
Department Details
Phone No. (Department): –
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Year of Establishment: 2019
Year of First Intake of Student: 2019
The Department of Clinical Psychology, Mizoram University was set up in the year 2019. The Department is currently located and functions from the Centre for Disability Studies (CDS) Building, near KV, Mizoram University. The first batch was enrolled in the odd semester of the year 2019 in the regular M.Sc. Clinical Psychology Programme under the School of Medical and Para-Medical Sciences. With the recruitment of new faculties, the Department started Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology from 2021. Recently Department of Clinical Psychology has been approved by the Rehabilitation Council of India, Govt of India (RCI, GOI) for starting 2-year regular M. Phil. (Clinical Psychology) course with 10 seats with effect from 2023 academic session.
Since its inception, the Department was actively involved in organizing various academic activities for the exposure of students in the area of Clinical Psychology. The Department has organized various seminars, workshops and awareness programs apart from some National and International conferences. The Department aims to provide quality teaching and Clinical training at M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. level and strives to produce well-trained mental health professionals to cater the needs of people with mental health issues in the North-East region, especially in the state of Mizoram. All the faculties of the department of clinical psychology are qualified mental health professional and are registered with RCI as Clinical Psychologists. The trained students from the Department of Clinical Psychology will be helpful in providing adequate and effective counselling, guidance and Psycho-therapeutic services to the people of Mizoram. Besides this, the Department also aims to contribute to the existing knowledge in the field of Clinical Psychology by conducting and promoting various research activities in the field of Mental Health. After the introduction of NEP, by Govt. of India and as per the guidelines and advised by Mizoram University, the Department has recently adopted the NEP pattern for PG courses.
Courses offered by the Department of Clinical Psychology–
- M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology) – It’s a regular course of 2-year duration having four semesters. The course starts usually in the month of August every year.
Eligibility: The basic eligibility for undertaking this course would be a graduate level degree in Psychology subject. However, Students having graduate level degree from some allied/cognate subjects (as per norms) may also apply.
Mode of Selection: One part of selection is made through CUET applications/list, as forwarded by the competent authority. And the other part of selection is done by conducting the entrance test at department level. The syllabus of the entrance test involves a basic graduation level syllabus in Psychology subject, as commonly offered by Indian universities at Graduation level (as this is a specialized course in clinical psychology). The Advertisement/admission information for applying to the entrance test, shall be released by the University on its official website usually in the month of June/July every year. Kindly see the advertisement for details.
Total Seats: 33
- M.Phil. (Clinical Psychology) (RCI Approved) – It’s a regular course of two year duration, offered by the department of clinical psychology as per Rehabilitation Council of India, Govt of India (RCI, GOI) guidelines and norms. (Institute Code: MZ004, RCI website)
Eligibility: Post Graduate Degree in Psychology or any branch of Psychology (for details please see RCI website).
Mode of Selection: The selection is based on entrance test and interview/viva and the syllabus for the entrance test would be the syllabus of master’s level course in Psychology generally offered by the Indian Universities. The advertisement for admission shall be placed on the University website, generally in the month of June/July. Please see the advertisement for further details.
Total Seats: 10
- Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology) – Ph.D. degree in Clinical Psychology in regular mode is also offered by the department of clinical psychology.
1. Post Graduate degree in Psychology.
2. RCI approved Two-year M.Phil. (Clinical Psychology) degree with RCI-CRR registration as Clinical psychologists (preferable)
Mode of Selection: Entrance exam, Presentation and Interview (and as per norms of the university). If seats are available then the advertisement will be placed on the Mizoram University website usually in the month of June/July.
Seats: as per availability
- The broad vision of the Department of Clinical Psychology is to strive for overall academic excellence in teaching and research in the field of Clinical Psychology at the National and International level.
- To contribute to the overall psychological well-being of the people of Mizoram.
- To strive and contribute for the community mental health and school mental health in Mizoram
- To impart quality teaching, clinical training and supervision at Masters, M Phil, and Ph.D. levels aiming to produce trained mental health professionals.
- To undertake research projects of national and global importance.
- To conduct Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) programs approved by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
- To conduct academic activities like workshops, seminars and invited talks at the national and international level.
- To develop resource material for students and other centers working in field of mental health and rehabilitation.
- To develop self-help manuals for various mental health problems catering to clinical and community populations.
- To conduct public education and awareness programs on mental health issues, catering to students, public, mental health professionals, non-governmental agencies, and media.
- To Provide quality service in areas of mental health problems at clinical and community levels.
- To extend required services to halfway homes and elderly persons in the Aizawl city.
- To encourage and empower clients with mental health issues and caregivers to lead an independent, productive, and dignified life.
- To Liaison with Govt. of India bodies like ‘Ministry of Health and family Welfare’ and ‘Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in formulating and implementing policies and programs related to mental health in the country.
Department of Clinical Psychology,
CDS building, near KV school,
Mizoram University Campus
Tanhril, Aizawl- 796004
Mizoram, India.
Photo | Name/ Designation | Resume |
![]() | Dr. Laxmi Narayan Rathore Email: / | Download |
![]() | Dr. Lalhmingmawii Email: | Download |
![]() | Dr. M. Sandhyarani Devi Email: / | Download |
Office Staff
Alumni Details
Students Achievements:
Total number of students of Department of Clinical Psychology who have cleared UGC NET/JRF/SLET so far is – 10
Programmes offered under the department: MSc (Clinical Psychology) , M.Phil (Clinical Psychology) ( RCI approved) and PhD (Clinical Psychology)
Board of Studies
Funded research projects, awarded to the faculties of the Department and are currently going on at Department of Clinical Psychology –
Name of the PI | Funding Agency | Title of the Project | Amount Sanctioned
| Project Start Date | Project Duration |
Dr. Laxmi Narayan Rathore | ICMR-DHR, Govt of India, New Delhi | Using Mindfulness Component of Vipassana Meditation as An Adjunct Treatment Modality in The Treatment of Persons with Opioid Addiction – An Exploratory Study from Mizoram | Rs. 31,00,000 (approx.) | 10th April-2023 | 3 years |
Dr. Laxmi Narayan Rathore | MZU- RPG | Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Adolescents in School Settings: An Exploratory Study in Mizoram | Rs. 2,00,000 | 01st April 2023 | 2 years |
World Suicide Prevention Day in September 2022
Two-day CRE Programme on Early Detection and Intervention of Psychological Disorders in April 2023
National Workshop on Mental Health in June 2023
Teacher’s Day Celebration in September 2023
RCI-MPhil Clinical Psychology Entrance Exam in September 2023
Cleanliness Drive-cum-Inaugural ceremony of RCI-MPhil Clinical Psychology Programme in October 2023
Opening ceremony of Three-Day International Conference on Emerging Trends in Psychological Interventions (Health and Allied Sciences): Future Prospects and Challenges in November 2023