Department of Botany



Name: Dr. F. Lalnunmawia
Designation: Professor
Mobile No.: +91- 7005648122 / 9436153991
Email – Personal :
Email – Official:

Department Details

Phone No. (Department): –
Dept. Email:
Year of Establishment: 2005
Year of First Intake of Student: 2007

About the Department :         

The department of Botany was established in the year 2005. Post Graduate teaching was started in 2006 and first batch of Doctoral students were admitted in 2007. The Department has been successful in producing a good number of quality P.G and Ph.D. students. The course for M.Sc. botany is based on NEP 2020 and comprises of four semesters of six months’ duration each. The department has 30 seats in M.Sc. programme. Various research grants have been received for developing the teaching and research facilities under different funding agencies (UGC, DBT, DST, CSIR, ICAR, MoEF etc.). The Department at present has 7 teaching faculty, 1 adjunct faculty and 5 non -teaching Staff. Thrust area of research includes – Algal physiology & Biochemistry, Plant Physiology & Molecular Biology, Plant-insect interaction, Soil & Environmental Microbiology, Biofertilizer Technology, Ecology, Bio-Resources, Plant Systematic & Ethnobotany / Medicinal Plants