It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the 19th Convocation of Mizoram University will be held on 25th March, 2025 (Tuesday) at 11:00AM at Multipurpose Hall, Mizoram University Campus.
1. The Convocation is applicable to:
- Students who have passed their Bachelor’s Degree Examinations including Professional Course under Mizoram University after 22/02/2024.
- For Post Graduates – who have passed their Master’s Degree after 22/02/2024.
- For Ph.D and M.Phil – who received their respective results Notification after 14/02/2024 till 07/03/2025. Result notified after 08/03/2025 will not be admitted in this Convocation.
2. Candidates who are willing to participate in the Convocation in Person are required to confirm their participation by submitting online Application Form along with a copy of Grade Card/M.Phil and Ph.D Award notification latest by 08/03/2025.
Applications in respect of students of CDOE should submit payment details of Convocation-cum-Certificate fee of Rs.700 However applicants belonging to Ph.D, Post Graduate(PG) Under-Graduate(UG) and Professional Course need not pay fees as the fees were already collected.
Online Application Form shall be submitted through
3. The Convocation Gowns may be collected from the Office of the Controller of Examinations during 20- 21 March, 2025 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM.
4. All candidates who are admitted to the Convocation to receive their degree in person are to attend the Rehearsal at University Campus on 24 March, 2025(Monday) at 1:00PM. Attendance at the Rehearsal is compulsory. Applicants who failed to attend the rehearsal ceremony will NOT be permitted to receive their degree/award at the Convocation.
5. The Convocation Gowns are to be returned to the Office of the Controller of Examinations from 25/03/2025 onwards, but not later than 27/03/2025 during office hours, failing which there will be a fine of Rs. 100/- per day.
6. Contact persons:
- Dr. Laltanpuii Ralte, Associate Professor, PA Deptt. – 98623 63430(M)
- Shri M. Sandeep Kumar, Assistant Registrar, Examination Deptt (Pro) – 85209 65885(M)
- Shri Longjam Ajay Singh, Assistant Registrar, Examination Deptt (UG) – 70058 41488(M)
- Smt Sangzeli, Assistant Registrar, Examination Deptt (PG) – 94363 65272(M)